
ISSN 1584-1057 (print)
ISSN 2065-5002 (online)

The Philosophy of Color Evolution in Chinese Bird and Flower Paintings and Its Integration with New Chinese Interior Design

VOLUME 21, 2024

The Role of Targeted Infra-popliteal Endovascular Angioplasty to Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers Using the Angiosome Model: A Systematic Review

VOLUME 6, 2023

Feifei Fan
Ph.D candidate, SCHOOL OF HOUSING, BUILDING AND PLANNING, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 11600
Safial Aqbar Zakaria
Dr.+Lecturer, SCHOOL OF HOUSING, BUILDING AND PLANNING, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 11600


Within the annals of Chinese flower and bird painting, colour, regarded as a pivotal mode of artistic expression, has perpetually engaged in a symbiotic relationship with the ink and wash technique. The heritage of traditional Chinese flower and bird paintings boasts a rich reservoir of artistic insights, among which the concept of "col[1]ouring according to categories" stands as a seminal notion grounded in colour theory. Initially articulated by Xie He during the Southern Qi era within his seminal work "Record of Ancient Paintings," this concept has endured as a fundamental yardstick for evaluating flower and bird paintings across epochs. The infusion of Western artistic paradigms has injected a greater degree of diversification into the evolution of Chinese flower and bird painting, consequently broadening the spectrum of contemporary colour perspectives within this tradi-tion. To unravel the intricate layers of traditional colour theory and unearth the cultural underpinnings embed-ded within, a comprehensive and evolutionary lens must be employed to comprehend the flux in colour concepts across different temporal junctures. This exposition embarks on an analytical journey, commencing with a vertical exploration of traditional colour perspectives, dissecting the genesis and metamorphosis of colour concepts within traditional flower and bird paintings across epochs. Concurrently, it undertakes a horizontal examination, juxtaposing colour ideologies between Chinese and Western traditions, with a particular emphasis on the application and evolution of colour within Chinese flower and bird paintings. By delving into such re-search endeavours, we aim to unearth the nuanced humanistic aesthetic proclivities that animate colour choices and gain deeper insights into the contemporary utilization of colour within the realm of flower and bird painting.

Keywords : Chinese flower and bird paintings; Color concept; Coloring according to categories; Color Comparison between East and West.
Erin Saricilar
Lecture in accounting. University of Basrah, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Accounting.


Atherosclerotic disease significantly impacts patients with type 2 diabetes, who often present with recalcitrant peripheral ulcers. The angiosome model of the foot presents an opportunity to perform direct angiosome-targeted endovascular interventions to maximise both wound healing and limb salvage. A systematic review was performed, with 17 studies included in the final review. Below-the-knee endovascular interventions present significant technical challenges, with technical success depending on the length of lesion being treated and the number of angiosomes that require treatment. Wound healing was significantly improved with direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty, as was limb salvage, with a significant increase in survival without major amputation. Indirect angioplasty, where the intervention is applied to collateral vessels to the angiosomes, yielded similar results to direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty. Applying the angiosome model of the foot in direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty improves outcomes for patients with recalcitrant diabetic foot ulcers in terms of primary wound healing, mean time for complete wound healing and major amputation-free survival.
Keywords : Diabetic foot ulcer, angiosome, angioplasty