
ISSN 1584-1057 (print)
ISSN 2065-5002 (online)

Cross-Cultural Artistic Exchange: The Shaping and Evolution of Chinese Artistic Movements by European and Russian Dadaism

VOLUME 21, 2024

The Role of Targeted Infra-popliteal Endovascular Angioplasty to Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers Using the Angiosome Model: A Systematic Review

VOLUME 6, 2023

Jialin Li
Bachelor,College of Arts and Science, Vanderbilt University, Tennessee,America, 37240


This study examines the lasting impact of Dadaism on Chinese art, analysing its effects on artistic styles, thematic explorations, and cross-cultural interactions. Dadaism has had an effect on Chinese artists, who have moved towards modern and experimental styles, using aspects of anti-tradition and anti-logic in creative ways. Dadaism had an effect on new ideas about topics, which led Chinese artists to look into deep social and cultural issues outside of the usual limits. Cultural contacts with artists from Europe and Russia have been very important, giving Chinese art new ideas and helping it grow in many different ways. In the future, globalisation will make Dadaism even more powerful in China, making it easier for people around the world to work together and connect with each other. As China's influence grows around the world, its art will continue to mix traditional elements with current styles from around the world. The lasting effects of Dadaism not only change the way artists express themselves, but they also help people from other cultures understand each other better and support the world development of Chinese art. More study needs to be done on how cultural exchanges have affected the growth of Chinese art around the world.

Keywords : Dadaism; Chinese Art; Cross-Cultural Exchange; Artistic Evolution; Societal and Cultural Themes.
Erin Saricilar
Lecture in accounting. University of Basrah, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Accounting.


Atherosclerotic disease significantly impacts patients with type 2 diabetes, who often present with recalcitrant peripheral ulcers. The angiosome model of the foot presents an opportunity to perform direct angiosome-targeted endovascular interventions to maximise both wound healing and limb salvage. A systematic review was performed, with 17 studies included in the final review. Below-the-knee endovascular interventions present significant technical challenges, with technical success depending on the length of lesion being treated and the number of angiosomes that require treatment. Wound healing was significantly improved with direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty, as was limb salvage, with a significant increase in survival without major amputation. Indirect angioplasty, where the intervention is applied to collateral vessels to the angiosomes, yielded similar results to direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty. Applying the angiosome model of the foot in direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty improves outcomes for patients with recalcitrant diabetic foot ulcers in terms of primary wound healing, mean time for complete wound healing and major amputation-free survival.
Keywords : Diabetic foot ulcer, angiosome, angioplasty