
ISSN 1584-1057 (print)
ISSN 2065-5002 (online)

Research on the historical causes and social functions of the mass group dance in 17-years period in China

VOLUME 21, 2024

The Role of Targeted Infra-popliteal Endovascular Angioplasty to Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers Using the Angiosome Model: A Systematic Review

VOLUME 6, 2023

Hui-jia Sun
College of Music, Northeast Normal University. Changchun, China.
Yi Cao
Yangtse River School,Changchun, China.


This article delves into the historical background and societal shifts that influenced the emergence and evolution of mass group dance in China over a 17-year span. It examines how alterations in the social structure and the overall societal dynamics (referred to as "social physiology") contributed to the development of this cultural phenomenon. Additionally, the article analyzes the roles and purposes (social functions) that mass group dance served within Chinese society during this time frame, suggesting its significance beyond mere entertainment, possibly as a means of social cohesion, expression, or political messaging.

Keywords : 17-years period; mass group dance; morphological; historical causes; function.
Erin Saricilar
Lecture in accounting. University of Basrah, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Accounting.


Atherosclerotic disease significantly impacts patients with type 2 diabetes, who often present with recalcitrant peripheral ulcers. The angiosome model of the foot presents an opportunity to perform direct angiosome-targeted endovascular interventions to maximise both wound healing and limb salvage. A systematic review was performed, with 17 studies included in the final review. Below-the-knee endovascular interventions present significant technical challenges, with technical success depending on the length of lesion being treated and the number of angiosomes that require treatment. Wound healing was significantly improved with direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty, as was limb salvage, with a significant increase in survival without major amputation. Indirect angioplasty, where the intervention is applied to collateral vessels to the angiosomes, yielded similar results to direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty. Applying the angiosome model of the foot in direct angiosome-targeted angioplasty improves outcomes for patients with recalcitrant diabetic foot ulcers in terms of primary wound healing, mean time for complete wound healing and major amputation-free survival.
Keywords : Diabetic foot ulcer, angiosome, angioplasty